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Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Knock knock, who’s there? It’s me again, yes, me and I’ve got something to say. Nothing important, just that I have been absent again and thought I should do something about me posting every now and then. Oh I do miss blogging regularly, and as those who follow along here will know, I haven’t written anything since before Christmas!


I have been rummaging through these pages and there’s so much that needs updating and sorting out. So, I have come to a decision. After a board meeting with myself I have come to the conclusion that I would be better off resetting this blog and starting afresh. If I can keep some of the posts online but tidy, like in a sort of cupboard and they never see daylight except when someone has a poke around, then I may try and do that.

Meanwhile, I am busily sorting a new theme and keeping the blog as de-cluttered as possible. It’s a big job for me, but I am sure it will be worth it. As I said earlier, I enjoy blogging and I have met so many nice people in blogging world. That’s important to me, especially with the ongoing state of world politics at the moment. I think you get the gist.

Once again, many apologies for not being as regular as I used to be, (sounds like I’m talking to Dr Pokey again) and many thanks for everyones continued support. Once I have everything sorted, which shouldn’t take too long, then I will endeavour to keep everything up to date. Until the next time, stay safe and take care.

If you like Knock Knock jokes, here’s a page of them. Jokes.

49 thoughts on “Knock Knock”

  1. I have been wondering what you have been up to. It’s good to see that you’re active on WordPress, or via WordPress, again. One certainly does need a distraction from the volatile state of world politics every now and then.

    1. Thank you. Youโ€™re so right, I do find it very depressing and worrying at the moment. I suppose thatโ€™s how they like us to be. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. It is a pleasure to see you back. We all, for different reasons, need a pause.
    So, welcome back , Silly old so ๐Ÿ˜Š.

  3. Always good to see you Trev. Can you please let me have the contact details for your solicitor? After the 71st Knock knock joke my wife hit me with the iron and I am in intensive care (in the shed)!

  4. Always glad to read your words, sir. I agree with another commenter that “One certainly does need a distraction from the volatile state of world politics every now and then.”

  5. It’s really nice to be able to read you here to again.
    … and you’re right, in these (dark) times it’s nice to stay in touch with so many friends from all over the world

  6. It’s always good to have a reset now and then. I haven’t been blogging as much on this site as I used to, but I do have another that is purely gardening based and that keeps me busy – and more so now the garden is waking up. I wish you luck sorting everything out.

  7. Oh goodie the Silly Old Sod is back to give us his twist on things. A blogger from the sleepy village of San Nicolas de Ibarra, just a blip next to a cornfield in rural Mexico. With a nod to the Sod, Hola amigo, a open palm ๐ŸŒด wave for you. Blog on!

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