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Proper Old. Silly Old Sod

I’m Officially Proper Old

I think it’s happened, well, something has happened. I’m nearly proper old! It crept up on me when I was least suspecting anything, doing things I could always do and then bang! A voice inside my head said, ‘’re proper old now, mate! It’s all downhill from here.’ I don’t usually listen to these things, but this was different, a bit like hearing Donald Trump on the news. And just like a Prophet of Doom, there I was, lying on the floor feeling proper old!

We had taken delivery of a new T.V. unit, one of those lengthy things with a small cupboard either side and room in the middle for hi-fi or DVD players and the like. It wasn’t flat pack, but it came in a big cardboard box and had to be manhandled to its final resting place. No worries, I did all of that and set the T.V. on top and all went well. As I said earlier, ‘doing things I could always do.’ Then came the rewiring part, connecting all the different bits and pieces back together, T.V. speakers, hi-fi, modem, blah blah blah.

I had to get on the floor as you do and I suddenly found I can’t get down that low without a great deal of pain coming from what seemed everywhere below my chest. My knees felt as though they were being attacked by razor blades and my left foot was definitely stuck underneath my right leg. You couldn’t get into this position if you tried. It’s no good shouting and cussing, the best thing to do is think and see what you can do. By now, the re-wiring had gone out of the window!

It’s surprising how little room you have when you find yourself confined to the floor, squished between a couch and the T.V. unit. It’s certainly no place for a geriatric contortionist. I didn’t want to let on to Wifey that I was struggling down there and every few minutes I would hear her calling, ‘Are you OK down there, dear?’ To which I replied I was, every time. I think she knew. After numerous attempts to just move, I eventually managed to drag my left leg to a position where I could attempt a stand up manoeuvre.

In the end, I was glad of the support that the couch offered me in getting to my feet. I should have known better in the first place before I got down on the floor there could be trouble ahead. A sit down on the couch with a nice mug of tea and the feeling came back to my legs. The wiring had to wait until I could find an alternative way of carrying it out, which I did with the aid of one of those mechanical grabbers! Thankfully, all is well physically speaking and I’m hoping it stays that way. Oh well, a little more exercise for me I think.

I’m off to get some exercise and here’s a website to help me.

38 thoughts on “I’m Officially Proper Old”

  1. I’ve had it creep up on me – just where does all that time go anyway? I don’t remember half of it – hope I had a good time!

  2. My immediate thought, upon reading the title of your post was, “Well, I’m IMproper old!” πŸ™‚ I live alone and I have a pending chore that requires me to get on the floor, lay on my stomach, and fish around under the bed… Still recovering from my second knee surgery (old old old) when I finally do make the plunge and try it, there will be so many props involved for hauling myself back up, pillows to cushion my knees, and the cell phone within reach in case it becomes one of those commercials (here in the States) for, “I’ve fallen and can’t get up.” Ain’t it fun?

  3. It is very annoying to find oneself unable to do what used to be so easy but it’s just a matter of “if you don’t use it, you lose it” and how often does one need to grovel about behind a TV re-wiring? I hope there was no lasting pain!

  4. It’s great to see you, Trev! You are not alone, I too have difficulty kneeling down and more so getting up but I can walk just fine. Mick Jagger once said “what a drag it is getting old”… πŸ˜‚ Have a great weekend, Trev.

  5. Been there, done that. Also with a tv installation. Crawled to a nearby chair and pulled myself up. An important lesson, whenever it comes. I’ve become MUCH more careful since then.

  6. Eighty-four here and have learned all things come with the need for preparation. Spontaneous is out the window in favor of craft forward planning and the grace of a well placed couch.

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