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Trying Again!!

Silly Old Sod Trying Again

Here I go, trying again after what seems a lifetime away from my blog. Before I jump straight back in, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has sent me messages over the past few months asking where I was, whether I would be back and whether I am well. The answer of course to all 3 questions is an emphatic YES!

Any Road Up!

Anyway, or as they say where I come from, ‘any road up’, it’s good to be back. Before I got writing a new post I had a look at the blog and decided it was high time for a revamp, or at the very least, a tidy-up. While I was about it, I realised just how much I missed writing these posts and how much I missed reading everyone else’s blogs and the comments that pass back and forward between us all. Unlike social media, where you write a quick line and back comes a tirade of abuse that usually has nothing to do with my original comment. It’s a jungle out there.

How Many Thoughts?

I have been busy, I can’t tell you everything I have been up to, and no, I’m not a Secret Service agent, but there’s been so much going on and to a point, there still is. Together with a couple of chest infections, one of which is still lingering after such a long time. I am ok though and will be, but it didn’t half knock me about. Oh, and I had a fall. Nothing serious, I was on a stage, practising and suddenly I was on the floor. It’s amazing how many thoughts can pass through your head in the split second it takes to fall to the ground from a standing position! It wasn’t quite my life flashing in front of me, but there were an awful lot of thoughts there.

Vanished – Not Me

During my absence, I have tried to keep up with all the lovely blogs that I follow and of course, the lovely people behind them by commenting or at the very least liking the posts. I didn’t vanish completely, I was always still around. So without any further ado, I will once again say thank you to everyone for being so supportive and very kind to me over the past few months. It’s great to be back.

Until Next time
I usually end my blogs with a link to an external website which I usually find may be of interest to others. As I am a little rusty here is a website with blogging ideas for beginners.

70 thoughts on “Trying Again!!”

  1. Welcome Back, although to be quite honest I did not really notice you were not here. Since Mr. Swiss, now 85 years old, is now in a golden oldie home since 5 years, I tend to lose touch with things. I am still at home alone with my autistic son, but manage OK. Arn’t those falls silly, I also had one, broke my mirror in the bathroom, but luckily my insurance is paying for the replacement. Otherwise life goes on and we keep our fingers crossed that nothing happens. Good to see you here again, keep well and stay on your feet. Pat from Feldbrunnen in Switzerland., although originally a cockney from Bethnal Green in London.

  2. β€œ Silly Old Sod β€œ ! I have missed your posts and the smile you bring just with your blog name.
    So, Trev, it is lovely to see you back. Life is not a straight line so some bends can be very tricky. I have been there to and to some extent still am.

    Like you, I missed all friends here and the bonds we have. So, welcome back
    Hugs / Miriam

  3. Yes! Welcome back! And thanks for following me, I love to see your icon on my posts. WP is up to its tricks again with no treats offeredπŸ˜‚πŸŽƒπŸ’€πŸ‘»

  4. Over the years of work as an anthropologist, Trev, I’ve had friends and professors who insisted that they were not now, and never had been intelligence agents…don’t worry 0011 your secrete is safe with me…OOPPS!

  5. Hi Trev,

    I hope you are doing well. I was off the blog for many months due to illness, so I missed this post. I am back, and I hope to hear from you. Wishing you good health!

    Cheryl Batavia

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