
I just don’t know what’s going on anymore, I’m talking from a technological stance. I’ve always thought of myself as being ok in the internet, computing and all things with a plug on the end. However, this past month has been more than just a tad challenging, particularly on the WordPress front or more to the point, the people who make the templates for WordPress.

I Miss Albert

For some time now, I have been promising to tidy up this blog, things get a bit messy and one of my pet hates in life is dust. There was a lot of virtual dust here to be cleaned. I started with the header and thought it would be nice to include some of the people who I feel have inspired me through life, from Einstein to Muddy Waters and including a Photoshop picture of myself tagged onto the end looking proper grumpy!

Pat On The Back

Surprisingly, it all went well and then I decided to rearrange the front page and again, I was quite pleased with myself. I’m sure many of you know that the change over from the ‘classic’ version to ‘Gutenberg’ hasn’t been the easiest for quite a few people. I did take the bull by the horns and thought, come on son let’s get this done. Lo and behold, I converted completely to Gutenberg and patted myself on the back and celebrated with a mug of English Breakfast Tea.

Uh Oh

Only one thing left to do, update the theme, which the designer had only made available a few days ago. Right, download it, unzip it and voila, WordPress takes care of the rest through the magic of the internet. All done, and click on the ‘visit site’ button and…………… what a bloody mess!!! It looked as though my pages had been ransacked. Posts all over the place, my new header banner only half visible, it was nothing short of a catastrophe.

The Joys…

It was bad, not the sort of thing you can sit down and sort out, it would be like nailing jelly to the wall. I don’t like panicking or getting in a temper or a ‘strop’ as my Dad used to say. So I walked away and sat down to try and think logically of how I could get back to normal. In the coolness of thought I came up with the idea of rolling back to the previous theme. Easy, except I didn’t have a previous theme and money would have been involved in getting one from the designer, so I gave that a miss. I’m sure there must be others with the same problem, but to get on the ‘help line’ you have to be subscribed to the support unit which costs money!

Always Always Keep A Backup

Luckily for me, I had saved a previous theme on my external hard drive. I managed to upload it into WordPress and once again, through the magic of the internet, all was unzipped and voila…………… thank goodness all was back as it should be. I’ve spent a couple of days trying to contact the designer, but I haven’t heard anything back yet. I will give him a few more days and then look for a completely new theme. There’s some skullduggery going on somewhere. Right, whinging over, well, the serious sort of whinging, back to being a grumplicious old curmudgeon from now on.

I usually put a ‘positive’ link here, but this time I couldn’t think of anything that would remotely resemble the near complete shambles of this blog. Phew, I’m just so pleased I got it back. Have a great week.

P.S. I still haven’t got any French mustard!!

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  • orededrum
    March 15, 2024


    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you

  • derrickjknight
    March 15, 2024

    Oh boy. Do I sympathise

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Derrick. 😊

  • Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of this around lately. I have the patience of several saints, yet I have nearly walked away from everything this week… I still might!

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      It does seem strange how things affect large numbers of people at the same time. I have noticed a lot of technical problems people have wrestled with this past week or so. Thank you both. 😊

  • Doug Thomas
    March 15, 2024

    Gad! I wonder how much of our angst and frustration over Word Press developer “improvements” gets back to them sometimes! It isn’t a matter of change that’s so tedious as it is how it impacts our enjoyment of sharing our blogs with fellow bloggers, but without the drama! I’m with you on this.

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Doug. I think the developers get carried away at times without thinking of the impact of the end user. Onwards we go. 😊

  • GP
    March 15, 2024

    Technologically speaking, I’m lost!

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you GP, I know the feeling 😊

  • JosieHolford
    March 15, 2024

    Know what you mean with the eternal struggle. I’m still using Classic. Tried the other. ran into things i didn’t like and/or couldn’t understand so i gave up. Your header words well. Nice cow, good sheep, better you.

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Josie. I did reply, but WordPress seems to be having another meltdown on me. 😊

  • Peter's pondering
    March 15, 2024

    I love the group in your header. That would be some party! WP have let some 13 year old loose again it seems, with a brief of “Let’s IMPROVE our site!”

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Peter and that’s a good description using the 13 year olds. 😊

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2024

    The WP folks like to keep us mentally nimble, don’t they?

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      They certainly do that, thank you. 😊

  • Cindy Georgakas
    March 15, 2024

    ” it would be like nailing jelly to the wall.” Now that about sums it up, Trev!!!! Oh ugh.. I admire you trying but I’ve had enough troubles here so I won’t give it another try! You get gold stars for trying❣️❣️

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you Cindy. 😊

  • newepicauthor
    March 15, 2024

    I like the new look you have for your website.

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you 😊

  • boromax
    March 15, 2024

    Oh, dear. So inspirational! 😉 You pages look great! I am skeert to death to try ‘updating’ mine, though I am sure it is not especially appealing – or as the most cutting edge designers would say (perhaps…? I really don’t know what ‘they’ would say) – it is ‘outdated’ ‘bland’ ‘off the rack’…

    Your new header is delightful! ~Ed.

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Ed. 😊

    • Gibson Square
      March 17, 2024

      I’ve always rather liked your theme, its quirkiness rather reflects the blog’s content.

      • Trev
        March 17, 2024

        That’s very kind of you, thank you. 😊

  • Pied Type
    March 15, 2024

    I am positively oozing sympathy! WordPress “improvements” have caused nothing but grief for a number of years. There was a time when I could leap joyfully into a new theme, tweak it to my liking with bits of code, etc., and call the whole thing “fun.” Of course, part of the problem could be my advancing age, but I’m not ready to admit that. Love your new header and all those familiar faces!

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Susan. You’ve hit the nail on the head there. 😊

  • kidtrish
    March 15, 2024

    I am also in the process of the “new and improved” changes that have come to WordPress. I don’t think I ever imagined just how colorful my language can become when I am frazzled with updating a theme. Good Luck! I hope you figure it all out and if you do give us a detailed “how to”.

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      It’s such a shame, I think so many people will be put off by how difficult some WordPress items have become. Thank you. 😊

  • Sarah Angleton
    March 15, 2024

    I’m forever trying to do things with technology that I don’t have any idea how to do. It’s exhausting.

    • Trev
      March 15, 2024

      Thank you, Sarah and yes, I totally agree with you, it is exhausting. 😊

  • John
    March 15, 2024

    What a mess for you, Trev! Your site looks fine now, I like the header image! I have 100% resisted using that block thing and have the Business plan which allows me to use a plugin to use the Classic editor, the real editor. WP made a huge mistake in forcing that block thing on everyone and without any notice as usual. I stay on WP because of the great community we have. If it weren’t for this I may have already left… I want to try a new theme but the themes I’ve tried all basically suck. It wasn’t like this years ago on WP.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, John. You’re right, there seem ti be quite a few changes an challenges that are making things a little difficult. 🙂

  • Bitchy After 60
    March 15, 2024

    Technology is wonderful when it works. But it can be so frustrating when it doesn’t. My husband and I used to be good with technology as both our jobs depended on it, but times and technology have changed a lot since our working days. WordPress hasn’t worked on my old computer for a few years now. I write the words and prepare the images on my computer then email them to myself and pick them up on my iPad to publish using the app. It’s a workaround that actually works.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, when technology does go wrong it is an absolute nightmare. I sometimes think is it all worth it, but at the end of the day, I enjoy blogging, but the technology is putting up a lot of obstacles. 🙂

  • Rosaliene Bacchus
    March 15, 2024

    Oh no! What a mess! I’m so glad that you finally found a solution. For years now, I’ve been thinking of changing the theme of my blog, but haven’t yet done so for fear of such a mess. I love your header 😀
    Bad news that you’re still without your French mustard. These days, there are all kinds of food shortages. I try to find substitutes, where possible.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, Rosaliene. I have beenwracking my brains to bits this week, but fingers crossed all will be wll. Thank you too about the kind words on the header. 🙂

  • Yetismith
    March 15, 2024

    Stuff like this makes me want to curl up in a foetal position. Glad you got it reverted!

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, Carolyn. I’m with you on that. 🙂

  • SueW
    March 15, 2024

    I tried a few themes last year, kind of try before you buy, preview etc and quite a few looked a mess. I had to be careful because my old theme was discontinued. Finally, I found one I could manipulate to suit me. And then I decided to go minimalistic.
    Best of luck. 🙂

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, Sue. Sorry for the delay in replying only my email connections with wordpress took a complete dive yesterday and it was just another headache. I hope I have it all under control now, but they’re certainly taking away the fun from it. 🙂

  • John W. Howell
    March 15, 2024

    So all you got back to your old theme. Knowing WordPress that alone is a miracle.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, John, it does seem like a miracle. 🙂

  • Herb
    March 16, 2024

    You poor guy! All that trouble with your site PLUS still no decent mustard! You are definitely allowed a major whinge.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, Herb and yes, still no mustard. 🙂

  • Marie
    March 16, 2024

    I feel your pain. My old theme was discontinued last year so I needed a new one. I found one but like you I noticed that the header photo is now only 1/2 the size. The posts looked fine. What I failed to notice was that all the extra widgets and text that used to be at the bottom, including the “follow” button and the translate function, were not longer there. Took me a couple of months to notice. I ended up having to recreate them all.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, Marie. It can be a minefield and I worry that they will take away the fun side of blogging if it becomes too complicated for us to use. 🙂

  • Crystal Byers
    March 16, 2024

    You’ve convinced me to roll with my current theme and templates,Trev.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you, Crystal. I hope you never end up with a problem like I have had this week. If you do decide to update, make sure you have a copy of the current one to roll back to if need be. 🙂

  • Going Batty in Wales
    March 16, 2024

    I am very wary of tinkering with my blog just in case it all goes pear shaped. Well done for rescuing it.

    • Trev
      March 16, 2024

      Thank you. Yes, it really could have been pear shaped and was for a short while. It would be very difficult for someone who isn’t at all tech ‘savy’ and I wonder what would happen. I have known a few bloggers recently who have given up WordPress for good, which is a shame. 🙂

  • Jim Flanigan
    March 17, 2024

    I need to do the same. Dreading it. Glad you’re back to normal.

    • Trev
      March 17, 2024

      Thank you, Jim and good luck when you do yours. 😊

  • Lisa Orchard
    March 17, 2024

    Your blog looks great! I totally understand about technology. It changes so fast, I can’t keep up!

    • Trev
      March 17, 2024

      Thank you, Lisa. It certainly does change too fast for my liking. 😊

  • Sascha Darlington
    March 21, 2024

    I hear you. I changed my theme a couple of years ago. Oops. And the old one I had used wasn’t available to go back to (I wasn’t smart like you and had a backup.) So I spent hours fixing things…anyway, suffice to say some things don’t work especially after some of their bug fixes. Evidently I could go on and on but will stop as you never invited me to take over your blog! 😂 Good luck! And sorry about the mustard!

    • Trev
      March 21, 2024

      Thank you, Sascha. It certainly is a trial. It’s a good job it was only my blog and nothing more important. 🥹 I don’t mind you going on and on, I do it myself at times. Thanks too about the mustard. Still can’t get any. 😊

  • sally cronin
    March 22, 2024

    You do have my sympathies Trev… over the years since they announced that we were all going to be delighted when we switched over to the block editor I have resisted all their blandishments. I maybe a luddite but I do feel that is something is not broke you don’t fix it and I always know when there has been an update, usually over the weekend, when people cannot like, share or comment for some reason as their own browsers take time to catch up. After 12 years of blogging I am set in my ways for sure. Great job on getting your old theme back and it does underline the need to do a back up externally. Love the new header.

    • Trev
      March 22, 2024

      Thank you, Sally. Yes, I do feel they change things at times just for the sake of it. 😊

  • Liz Gauffreau
    March 24, 2024

    I back up my WordPress site without fail every week. As temperamental as WP is, I’m not taking any chances!

    • Trev
      March 24, 2024

      Excellent, Liz. Thank you. 😊

  • lorriebowden
    March 24, 2024

    Happy to see you back…and you are more than “ok” on the internet, as I barely understood a word you said! Technology is here to broaden our horizons…Hahaha! More like to be a torture device at times! All good things to you!

    • Trev
      March 24, 2024

      Thank you, Lorrie. You’re so right about it being a torture device at times. That’s progress, right? 😊

  • Anuran & Sayoni
    March 29, 2024


    • Trev
      March 29, 2024

      Thank you. 😊

  • 6qsite
    March 31, 2024


    • Trev
      March 31, 2024

      Thank you 😊

  • #hhhigh
    April 1, 2024

    Thank God for backup

    • Trev
      April 1, 2024

      Indeed, thank you. 😊

    • Trev
      April 3, 2024

      Thanks. 😊

  • Roksana Amelia
    April 13, 2024

    You’ve got patience!
    And I’m so inspired ♥️

    • Trev
      April 13, 2024

      Thank you, Roksana, I appreciate your words. 😊

  • mitchteemley
    July 21, 2024

    I’m glad you got it back too, Trev! I never change my theme out fear of losing ten years of blog posts!

    • Trev
      July 21, 2024

      Thank you, Mitch. It was scary. 😊

  • John
    August 29, 2024

    Hi Trev, are you okay? Haven’t seen your blog active in several weeks. 😎

    • Trev
      August 29, 2024

      Hi John, thanks for the concern. I’m ok, just busy with too many other things at the moment. I will be back. 😊

  • The Hinoeuma
    September 5, 2024

    You coming back anytime soon?

    • Trev
      September 5, 2024

      I will be back, I promise. I have been so busy with other, mainly technical tasks. I’m missing my blog, but I have had to put 110% focus on other things. Thank you for asking. 😊

  • Holly Hunter
    September 6, 2024

    I was just reading on Reddit how very complicated the new WordPress update is. I’m actually afraid to try to update my front page! It used to be quite fun and easy.

    • Zettl Fine Arts
      September 8, 2024

      There have been some issues with wp for some time now. I can only hope that these will go away when wp is finished with its redesign, but I doubt it.