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I’ve fallen in love. With walking! I never knew I could enjoy it so much. I appreciate that not everyone is able to get out and enjoy being able to walk, but if you are, then do it. I’ve been told that at my age, walking is the best exercise there is. It’s free, there’s plenty of fresh air and you can enjoy the scenery. Sometimes, you get to meet some very nice people too.

To start the new year off in 2018, wifey and I set off from our little house and quite simply turned left. Through the village square, past the local pub (I know, that was the hardest part), and up the lane to who knows where. It was bitter cold, wet with bouts of sunshine. We were both wrapped up warm with cameras in hand.


Photography is a shared hobby and now walking is another. I have to be honest, we had an inkling of where we were going, but in truth, we were not sure. In this part of the world, there are plenty of sheep and fields, many fields. One of the first sights we came across was a huge head of Buddha sitting alone on the ridge of a hill. Apparently, it’s all part of a Buddhist Meditation Centre. They have certainly found a peaceful part of the world.

Feel Good Factor

After half a mile we came to a right turn with a signpost to the local railway station. We followed. More fields, more sheep, and more rain. I don’t remember seeing one car on the narrow roads. Another half a mile and another road sign. One pointing to the railway station and the other pointing to our village. It was raining quite heavily now, but it didn’t matter. The feel-good factor had kicked in.

By the time we got home, we had walked about a mile and a half. We celebrated with a fresh mug of tea.

The Benefits of Walking.

21 thoughts on “Walking”

  1. That is great. Living in Florida there are only a few months we can walk. However, whenever I spend time at the beach, I can walk 100 miles in a week. When at home it’s the gym every day, of often 2 different ones on the same day. I maybe 70 next month, but am fitter than when I was 30. Keep it up.

  2. Walking in the woods somewhere or on a vacant no where beach are my favorite places to be as I get older. I agree that once you get past that first 1/2 mile all the joints loosen up like an old locomotive.

    1. Thank you, Noel. You’re right and the more you do it the more enjoyable it seems. Wall to wall sunshine this morning, so I might be off for another walk very soon.

  3. This year when the weather gets better and the sun comes out will have to get my butt moving. I keep telling myself to – Move It! Move It! Move It! ????????????????

    1. Good luck, Hope. I’m enjoying every step of it. It’s been very cold here lately, but I make sure I wrap up warm and off I go. Enjoy and thank you for commenting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, Angie. It certainly is the cheapest therapy and Iโ€™ve also found listening to a good audio book while walking is great.

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