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I'm a retired guy who enjoys blogging. I try not to take life too seriously, that's why I have called this blog Silly Old Sod. I suppose sometimes I am silly and I'm definitely getting old so the name suits me. I hope you enjoy your visit and if it made you laugh then I have achieved my mission. Thank you and I hope you visit again.


Hello, remember me? I kept threatening to write another blog and every time I tried, the Gremlins struck. The last time was some technical shizz about a server problem and overloading with something that was designed to stop it overloading! I know, way beyond my comprehension.

Do Bacteria Have Souls?

Do bacteria have souls? That’s the question that has been perplexing me all week! One of the reasons I wasn’t feeling too good recently is down to bacteria in my body……..


In response to this weeks Dailypost photo challenge, Landscape, I have used this photograph that I took last year. I know that when I hear the word landscape………